
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Was at a cousin and her husband's housewarming party. She's the oldest of my cousins and the first one of the family to get married AND buy a house, so this was a big deal.

The house was sort of small, but nice. They just need to do a little more with the cellar and attic and the place could be considered quite large. After viewing the place, I pretty much stuffed my face. The food wasn't really that good, but I was hungry enough to eat a lot of the little I liked. (String beans and peanut oil = yum). I of course ate a lot of the desserts too. However, I became bored after stuffing my face, so resided in the living room where people were watching the football game. For the rest of the time, I pretty much sat there playing Dragon Quest 9 and feigning interest in the game. I don't really care about football (or many sports really), but I do know the Jets won. Good for them.

Not exactly my most social moment, but I did take some time to eat and I did socialize then, so I call it okay.

QUESTION for my followers: How are you with family social events? Are you the mingler? Life of the party? The one in the corner of the room hiding from everyone? Let me know!


  1. I don't usually do well at family gatherings, but I don't do poorly, either. My strategy involves sitting in one place the whole time in a moderately popular area. I do this same thing at parties with friends. That way, because most people tend to wander around a lot, you end up talking to almost everyone at some point and usually for short periods of time. Everyone will sit near you at least once.

  2. Ewww... String beans (or most beans for that matter).

    In social gatherings I'm either really popular and hanging out with everyone or completely invisible and doing my own thing in the corner. It's like one or the other, rarely inbetween.

  3. i'm always popular with the kids. i kinda like playing with them.

  4. i usually mingle and take a lot of pictures. normally i'd chalk it up to my being oriental, but then again, my whole family is oriental. and i'm the only one taking pictures. strange...

  5. I usually hang out with the other anti-social people there, so I guess that's kind of social.

  6. i love my family and i tend to be very free and open with them. i wouldnt say i was the life of the party, but i tend to be missed when im not there

  7. i don't do anything with family often.

  8. I hide in the corner, I hate most of my family. I would rather just stay home.
