I did this a some years ago when I felt chubby from being inactive. Back then I used a combination of Wii Fit and Dance Dance Revolution/In The Groove at my local arcade. Unfortunately, my local arcade has closed down, and the nearest arcade isn't TOO far, but just far enough that I don't want to travel there often. Also, most home pads suck so not going to do it at home. When I accomplished this goal last time, I hactually has some definition showing in my stomach compared to the boney ribs I used to have when younger, and no longer had a belly that pinched me when I leaned sideways or forwards. Sadly, it's back now!
If I can stay on task, I'll make an update once a week on my progress of working out. So far, my plan is strength work outs one day (with yoga stretching before it), aerobics day (still some yoga), and my off day where all I do is yoga stretches.
NOTE: Any links to videos I may give for exercises are NOT done by me, just found on Youtube.
Here is what I have done so far.
July 10, 2012 - Tuesday (Strength Training)
Started my workouts! I did some 5lb dumbell lifting in my room while playing NEStalgia (mainly during the cool down areas). Then, began with doing some stand up Yoga poses in my room, since the wii is in the cellar, which has a low ceiling. Namely did Sun Salutation, Half Moon, and Chair poses. Then I went downstairs and just went straight into EA Active for strength exercises.
Chose a preset of the "Core Work outs" on easy, and eliminated "Good Mornings" since I would hit the ceiling if I did it, and "Bent over rows" because I can't figure out how to do it, even with the elastic band. Got through most of the work outs, Mountain Climbers (5:01) are a particular pain for me since it doesn't accurately counts the reps, and Push Ups because I am pretty weak in the arms. I took 2-8 minutes water breaks after doing the medium running excercises. When I has 10 more workout left, I had to stop, because I got light headed. Took about a 10-20 minute break before returning and then skipped the exercises, going straight to the cool downs. Didn't want to get too light headed.
July 11 - Wednesday (Aerobics)
Very sore today. Did stand up Yoga poses in my room, but did more this time; Sun Salutation, Half Moon, Tree, and Chair poses.
Then I went downstairs to do my Wii Fit weigh in, then yoga poses. Palm Tree and Chair were done, even if they were standing up poses, because they didn't have me hit the ceiling. Then, did Warrior, Standing Knee, Triangle, Downward-Facing Dog, Cobra, Bridge, and Spinal Twist (Link note; couldn't find a better video for Spinal Twist).
I end with Cobra, Bridge, and Spinal twist since they are the most relaxing stretches I like to do. Triangle is really hard for me since I can't tough my toes when I bend over, and never really could even when I was fit. When on my leftfoot, I have a hard time keeping enough pressure on the balance board. The rest of the poses are generally easy enough for me, though I wonder often if I'm doing the Warrior pose right.
After Yoga stretches were done, I went in for the cardio! Did a 10 minute edition of the Hoola Hoops aerobics game, which I believe has you spin for 5 minutes in one direction, then 5 minutes in another. I got 1700 rotations on both directions, but they have a weird way of counting the rotations.
After that, I noticed I had a little bit of time leftover, so I did the "Free Step" option. Free Step is a customizable variation of Wii Fit's Step Aerobics games where you do simple "stair climbing"-like exercises for a period of time you decide. You can even set it up so you can watch TV while you do this since the Wiimote keeps the beat for you with a voice that updates you on your progress. Also can increase the pace if you like if it's going to slow, and slow it back down if you can't keep up. I did this for 10 minutes with just my music playing; nothing good was on at the time on TV.
After I finished and showered, I also walked Faith for about a block before she wanted to go back home.
July 12 - Thursday (Day off)
Only was a little sore today.
I decided to keep myself doing something by making home made pancakes! Unfortunately, they turned into PanMounds because the mixture was too thick, but at least they didn't taste terrible. My first two were the size of English Muffins before I compensated the thickness of the mixture by spiraling it into the pan so it was a little more pancake like. Instead, those pancakes became 3D art, haha. Also, I broke our crappy sifter.
Did Yoga Poses Sun Salutation, Half Moon, Tree, and Palm Tree in my room. Even though it's possible to do Palm Tree downstairs, I lose concentration when the digital yoga instructor says "you're a little unsteady" so I rather do that on my own.
Downstairs, I simply did my usual Yoga work out (Standing Knee, Chair, Warrior, Triangle, Downward-Facing Dog, Cobra, Bridge, and Spinal Twist). I was going to walk Faith, but it was too hot out for her.
July 13 - Friday (Strength)
Anything sore in my body only felt like minor bruises.
Did all my yoga poses same as I did yesterday. This will likely be my usual set I do, so I may label things in the future as "my usual Yoga set," from now on. Decided today to ALWAYS do my Yoga poses for proper stretching before strength exercises, and Yoga will be done every day to help aching muscles to recover.
Started up my usual preset exercise of Core workouts, eliminating the "Good Morning" warm up and "Bent over rows" from the set as usual.
Mountain Climbers frustrated me again today, because the in-game coutner wasn't recognizing my reps. Instead, I kept count myself of the whole 40. Once I hit that number, I faked the rest for the in game counter; not going to do more than I have to and feel like a failure cause I can't last long enough for the game's counter to catch up. Maybe when I can handle the exercise a little better, I'll keep doing more until the counter catches up, but right now, it takes a LOT out of me.
Took usual water break lasting about 4-8 minutes after doing the medium run exercise. I failed to do all 10 push ups in both sets today, did about 8/10 in first set, and was off and on for the second set of 10. Sometimes, I have to do push-ups with fisted hands since my wrists end up hurting too much after awhile. Same with Mountain Climbers. Because of using fisted hands, my knuckles can hurt some, even on the yoga mat. This ends up having me needing to stop, or switch to an open fist in the middle of the work out, or otherwise giving up after a point. This is not completely to blame for my struggle with Mountain Climbers or Push Ups, as my arms are on the weak side, but it certainly doesn't help!
July 14 - Saturday (Aerobics)
Started late today, best friend Sierra's birthday. Watched a few movies with her before starting around 5pm.
Did the usual aerobics up in my room (Sun Salutation/Half Moon/Tree/Palm Tree), then moved downstairs for the Wii Fit aerobics (Standing Knee, Chair, Warrior, Triangle, Downward-Facing Dog, Cobra, Bridge, and Spinal Twist). Moved onto my aerobic stuff, but was a bit sluggish today. First half of Hoola Hoop exercise had my side a little sore. Oddly enough, I still managed to get 1700 repetitions according to the game. My other half I was more into, but I did only about 1670.
I then did Table Tilt, a balance game on Wii Fit. Managed to get to last stage but couldn't finish in time. Not really feeling much of a burn or sweat from that, I decided to do the Free Step again, but this time timed it to 30 minutes. I regret it some, since by the time I was finished working out it was 7pm. My feet are going to be killing me tomorrow.
I also didn't really eat enough today; first ate around 1pm, ate a reese's cake from quik chek, then only had juice from then until dinner (and lots of water). Because it was Sierra's birthday, I also ate a slice of cake. I figure I can't just torture myself from eating sweets, but just make it up with more reps or intense things on aerobics day. As it is, when it comes to food I don't really think about it as long as I have at least 3 meals a day, and try to have one of every food group in there somewhere. Also, not to gorge on anything.
July 15 - Sunday (Day off)
Another slow start... Really should find a way to motivate myself early in the day more.
Eventually got to doing stretches around late 4pm. Got downstairs and did the usual yoga routine. In my weigh-in, turns out my bmi has now gotten to a Normal range! Awesome! Still, it's only like 1lbs from being overweight, and with the way weight fluctuates and also never know with clothes weight, it's not hard to relapse. Besides, I'm trying to get down to a nicer range, such as around 153lbs. I'm still 175~ right now so I have some work to do!
After the yoga stretches, played Table Tilt twice. First time, I failed on the 2nd to last stage (advanced setting). Second time, I managed to beat it! I can move onto the Table Tilt Plus next time I feel like doing balance games!
Also, played lots of Dragon Quest 5, fuck yeah!
July 16 - Monday (Strength)
Workout was a bit on the annoying side today. I might have needed to eat something before working out today. I had breakfast 3 hours before I began the workout, but probably should have only waited one hour after eating to make use of it. As such, my performance was on the sluggish side.
Did the usual Yoga things. In the weigh-in, I gained 1lb back so I was BMI overweight again (Expected; water weight and weight fluctuations). Then started up my usual strength exercise with EA Active (Crunch & Core - Easy) with the usual modifications (No "Good Morning"s or "Bent Over Rows").
It felt like I was fighting my body to do most of the work out. I supposed in a way, that can be good, but it may have also been fatigue which is probably not a healthy way to do a work out. Also I noticed how hard a time I have with Leg Raises. Doesn't help that you have to do them right after Reverse Crunches though. What often happens is I'll do one or two leg raises before reverting them into reverse crunches. I also wonder what sort laying/sitting up position I'm supposed to be in, as the avatar and trainer on screen look a little weirdly positioned.
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Gathered from a YouTube video. |
it's been pretty hot where i live as well, so i haven't really done much lately except sit around near the air conditioner.